Transfer Timeline

Ready to Apply?

Transfer applications are now open!

Transfer Application   Request Undergraduate Information

To help you through the process of transferring to CU Boulder, please follow the below timeline to keep you on track and informed through each phase.

Research Phase

  • Join our communication list to learn about our academic programs, events, community and so much more.
  • Schedule a transfer admission appointment—Prospective students who have not submitted an application can meet one-on-one, virtually, with an admission representative to discuss a plan for transferring to CU Boulder.
  • Contact a pre-transfer advisor—A pre-transfer advisor can help you choose courses at your current institution to facilitate your transfer to CU Boulder and understand degree requirements for your desired major.
  • Take a virtual tour—Explore our immersive and interactive undergraduate academics tour or our student life tour.
  • Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @FutureBuffs and join a live social event to learn about the application process, transfer credit, registering for classes, campus life, how to chat with a current student and more.
  • Military students: Visit the Veteran & Military Affairs website for more information regarding the processing of GI Bill and other military education benefits, as well as information regarding campus resources available to our veteran and active-duty population.

Application Phase

October 1Spring application deadline

March 15Summer application deadline and fall early notification application deadline

June 1Fall application deadline for regular decision applicants

College of Music Deadlines 

You are automatically considered for transfer scholarships up until the June 1 admission application deadline for fall enrollment, but more are available via the CU Boulder Scholarship Application. To gain access to the scholarship application, you must submit an admission application several days before the June 15 deadline.  However, you do not need to be admitted to apply. We recommend you apply early to meet this deadline.

  • Spring and summer applicants: You may submit a FAFSA for spring and summer terms, but institutional aid and scholarships are awarded every academic year starting with the fall semester.

Admission Decision Phase

Admission decisions for transfer students are made on a rolling basis. You will typically hear an admission decision update between four and six weeks after you have submitted a completed application and all supporting materials. While you are waiting for an admission decision, we suggest that you do the following to prepare for possible admission:

  • Visit the I've submitted my application section of our website to learn about next steps, including applying for scholarships and learning about our Buff community.

Admit Phase

  • Visit the I've been admitted section of our website to learn about next steps, including reviewing your transfer credit evaluation and confirming your intent to enroll. ​
  • Connect with current CU Boulder transfer students and other prospective transfer students by joining the CU Boulder transfer student Facebook group.
  • Contact a pre-transfer advisor - Newly admitted transfer students can meet with a pre-transfer advisor to discuss applicability of transfer credit, an estimated time to degree completion and next steps to ensure a success transition.

Confirmation Phase

We encourage you to confirm your intent to enroll as soon as possible after you have been admitted to give yourself time to complete important next steps such as completing online orientation and preparing to register for classes. Please visit the New Student & Family Programs website for information on registration.

  • Visit the I've confirmed section of our website to learn about next steps.  

Discover What’s Here

Visit CU Boulder and experience for yourself our spectacular surroundings and the extraordinary opportunities our campus provides. No matter how you’d like to explore—a quick spin around the virtual tour, a campus tour one morning or afternoon, or a whole-day visit experience—just make sure to take some time to discover what it’s like to pursue your passions in our inspiring environment.

Visit CU Boulder

Connect With Us

CU Boulder counselors are here to help you through the application and answer any questions that may arise during the admission process.

The University of Colorado does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, pregnancy, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation, or political philosophy. All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply. You may view the list of ADA and Title IX coordinators and review the Regent policy.

As a student or prospective student at CU Boulder, you have a right to certain information pertaining to financial aid programs, the Clery Act, crime and safety, graduation rates, athletics and other general information such as the costs associated with attending CU Boulder. To view this information visit